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Arriving home, exhausted and vibrant, I found that something had changed. The floors were covered in thin gray sticks. And mind me not only the floors but most surfaces. The sticks were floating. They smelled slightly moist and a few days old. Like any friend, who has been lying in their own secretions for days. I found sticks in the washing machine, in the cupboard, in between my toes, on the showerhead and in my underwear. I gathered them and organized, just as Marina has taught me to do. They were different shades of grey, at least 52. I organized them on my light blue, stolen, kitchen table. All moments that I had categorized, outside of the defined moments of my life, I was gathering and organizing sticks into perfect constellations. I built huts and caves, created waterfalls and walleys. I made lines from light to dark, from dark to light and from desire to disgust. One morning I found twelve sticks in between two wooden panels.​There was no end to this stickiness. In the soggy bag of the vacuum cleaner, I found a million more.​The smell got stronger. These sticks were someone. If I gathered them all they would appear, it would happen, anything would finally happen. I was so tired of waiting. The plants had started their quests towards extinction. Day after day they gave in, as I kept searching and organizing. They slowly turned from green to a darker shade of green and then went unnoticed. They suck up the moistness of the grey collage on the stolen table and couldn’t resist but to start ruminating.


Every morning I wake up and think about David Beckham and about Sigmund Freud.

Lately I have been thinking about David Beckham’s father too.


An I am so jealous, that he got to play soccer all day every day.

However, there are a few things that must be mentioned. What must be mentioned is that I am forever grateful for female emancipation, since I was yesterday again, grabbed by the boob by a seventy year old dancer. And it felt like nothing, and I thought how licky I am to not feel anything but a slight relief that these kinds of old men are going extinct. I love the politeness of teenage boys (as I am of the breed that insists on LOVE and dedication rather than polite actions) in boxing class, I love how they ask me if they can hit harder, and how I am doing today. I’m convinced this is due to the new generation, the post-gender kids, filled with respect and distance and my friend is convinced the politeness is because they consider me a MILF. The second option is very unlikely since my screen age is seventeen, and so, maybe they were just flirting. I was ovulating after all. And all biologists know the natural forces of ovulation and too much testosterone in a sweaty room. I’m amazed by testosterone. I love it. I wish I had it. I want to lick it, suck it, inject it, and let it let me grow. I want to become enormous. A tank of testosterone. I want a fat back. I want the fat back.


What I wanted to talk about is James Blake’s journey to become David Beckham. I will visualise it through pictures, another day. But it might be too late, since they already made a  documentary and my thoughts are too fleeting to engage in googling and gpting.

And I would like to write about how the hot water sprinkled my fingers and I would like to write about how brutally the screw penetrated the wooden structure holding it in place holding it under control holding


And I would like to write about how finding your own movement or your own voice is a philosophical trend that if there’s nothing to emancipate from emancipation becomes a measure of control a desired outcome and I would like to write about how difficult it is to let oneself change to let oneself recognize this is not what I want to let oneself just be, for a little while.


And everything feels better after some rest.

That’s how it goes.


And I would like to write about the sea cracking up the water pouring on top of the shallow rests of ice. Write about the crackling sound and how that crackling sound overruled my thoughts of you.


But I’m stuck thinking about how small I feel in your company how I constantly feel like I need to change how I feel like everything I say is wrong somehow how I feel when you sit as far away as possible from my collarbones on your spongy bed about how surprised I get every time you say you want to be with me because I can’t believe it because I believe bodies and I’m mesmerized by the idea that you truly experience the world so differently from me

or then you’re just

And you sneaked out from each tunnel spiraled your way from the caves I bet you haven’t even been to Mordor or bodomin järvi. I long for a sharper analysis maybe something speculative about composition. There was black and then there was white and then some crispy woodenly strings in between. At first there was a dot then it disappeared too like all bad boys do. The aesthetic is normcore or maybe just boring truly crowd-pleasing arrives with a wow effect longing for affect but this is no affect object ask massumi he knows. He knows that spirals like those aren’t minimalistic enough. I’m sorry but you clearly don’t have the x-factor the silent virtuosity that could astonish any eliminator. Please, it’s well know the private is public and your neither. If you want me to be honest I will be rude. You’re but merely a computer and when I was seven I was told not to look at screens. Björk told me not to trust poets when they lie about screens but I look and I look and I look and it’s simply not getting better. You’re a flat drawing trying to be 3D but I see trough you - you skunk.

2024 IN



tuna tartar (sorry)

v neck


2 person bands named after dogs and grocery stores (stockmann herkku ie)

autofiction (still)



pussy riot


flutes (silver, not the wooden one)

ready-made guacamole


warm colors

short nails

hawaian flip flops

garlic powder

yung lean

relationship status on facebook

dry cake



whipped cream



side step (dance move)

forgive and forget

white people on stage exploring whiteness 

white people on stage

body fat

ville valo

kalinka yoghurt


knee pads



green peas




2024 OUT


pet nat

fabrics as scenography

hoka one one





extinction rebellion




fresh garlic


safe space


hoka one one

heaven, hell & angels

ready-made art






sormikkaat ilman sormia


organs (the instrument)

I already saw them the night before. Pointed my finger and said beautiful. My friend turned too late. He didn’t see the beautiful boy. They disappeared into what I thought was a toilet but found out was just another room.

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